
Much like cleanrooms used throughout the biotechnology industry, electronic clean rooms are designed to maintain specified temperature, humidity, particulate matter, static and pressure levels. When dealing with microelectronic manufacturing, even the slightest change in any of these environmental metrics can negatively impact the final products. Due to the highly sensitive and costly nature of microelectronics, it is imperative that the cleanroom components of any electronics lab or manufacturing facility are routinely monitored to avoid significant and expensive defects.

Typical applications that require this type of environmentally regulated electrical cleanroom facilities include: mechanical engineering labs, submicron and precision technology manufacturing, nanotechnology, photonics production and electronics laboratories. At Isoltech, our cleanroom surface technology help to maintain low levels of environmental pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles and chemical vapors, making our seamless wall, floor and ceiling solutions perfect for the microelectronics industry.

While each microelectronic cleanroom application’s specific requirements will be somewhat different, all clean rooms and controlled environments that include Isoltech surface finishes are smooth, nonporous, easy to clean and non-shedding. Additionally, cleanrooms designed with Isoltech technology are resistant to liquids and chemicals, can endure repeated cleaning and sanitizing processes and can withstand up to four times more force of impact as compared to the leading competitor.

Since all the parts in the Isoltech cleanroom system were designed to perfectly integrate with one another, our seamless wallfloor and ceiling systems are suitable for a wide variety of applications. Whether you’re a large semiconductor factory or a university planning a state-of-the art microelectronics research laboratory, Isoltech will work with you to create a fully custom solution that fits the specific needs of your business or educational institution.

Don’t leave your cleanroom to chance. Let the experts at Isoltech help you evaluate your clean room needs and install the perfect controlled environment for your business, backed by our unrivaled customer service. To learn more about our wall, floor and ceiling surfaces, contact Darrick Prinzi, Isoltech Technologies Specialist, today, 866-331-5910.